How do i use EndNote toolbar in Microsoft Word?

After installing EndNote software and opening the Microsoft Word, i do not see any Endnote toolbar or command under the tools menu. How can i fix this?


The first step is to run the EndNote installer again. Once the installation finishes, open Word and check the Tools menu for the EndNote commands. If the tools still did not display, you can manually install the tools by doing the following:

1. Open My Computer

2. Go to the Tools menu (press Alt to view menus in Windows 7/Vista). Select Folder Options / View tab. Uncheck the box that reads "Hide file extensions for known file types," and select "Show hidden files and folders".

3. Locate your EndNote folder. The default installation path is "C:\Program Files\EndNote."

4. There are several files in this folder you will need to copy. Below are the files that you need:

o EN10Cwyw.wll

5. Copy all the files listed above.

6. Navigate to the Word Startup folder. The default location of Startup depends on your version of Windows.

Windows 7/Vista

 C:\Users\[YOUR USER NAME]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Word\STARTUP

Windows XP/2000

C:\Documents and Settings\[YOUR USER NAME]\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\Startup

7. When you locate that folder, Paste all the files copied earlier. The files you copied should now show up in this folder.

8. Open EndNote and an EndNote library first, then open Word. The EndNote command now should be display at the Word toolbar.


  • Last Updated Mar 09, 2020
  • Views 193
  • Answered By Mohd Fadlli A. Rahim

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