How to remove paper submission from turnitin database?

I want to remove paper submission from Turnitin database.


Please note: It is possible to create assignments that do not save submitted papers to the Turnitin database. The 'no repository' option is a selection choice you have when creating new assignments.

All Instructor's Level account can request for paper deletion directly from their classes.

To delete paper submission:

  1. Login to your instructor account
  2. Select your class
  3. Select assignment of the submission 
  4. From the assignment page, select which submission to delete
  5. When selecting the submission, delete button will appear at the top of the page
  6. Select request for permanent deletion from option given
  7. Fill up the required info, and submit the form
  8. The trash bin icon will indicates the submission is waiting for approval from administrator.


  • Last Updated Nov 28, 2023
  • Views 3092
  • Answered By Mohd Fadlli A. Rahim

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