Can a student request for paper submission deletion from Turnitin

I have a Turnitin student account and I am looking forĀ guidance on how to delete paper submission from Turnitin.


Students cannot remove submissions from their assignments. Once a paper has been submitted, only the instructor can remove it from the assignment and allow a student to make a new submission. Resubmitting a paper will overwrite your previous submission.

If you require permanent deletion of your paper, for contractual reasons, all paper deletion requests must be submitted to the account administrator of your institution. Please contact your instructor and provide them with the submission ID number of your paper along with the class and assignment details of where the submission was uploaded to. Your instructor will then request to delete of your paper and remove it from the Turnitin repository.

The submission ID is on the digital receipt that was generated and/or emailed to you when you submitted the paper. The submission ID can also be found when viewing the submission in Feedback Studio and clicking on the information icon (‘i’).

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  • Last Updated Mar 06, 2024
  • Views 85
  • Answered By Mohd Fadlli A. Rahim

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